My Culture vs Your Culture
By the title of this blog you can probably assume what our topic of discussion is going to be. We are going to be looking at cultures in the life's of the family and seeking to understand exactly what that is.
Let us start with a definition for a focus point. Found in our wonderful Oxford dictionary we read that culture is the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively. In simpler terms culture are things like the details in life that repeat. It is behavior that is generated in the normal.
I want to share a few example of what culture is to broaden our mindset and create greater thinking. Ones that we may be able to relate to. The first example that I will use for culture is that of a family celebrating December 25th with presents and coming together as a family. This is Christmas and it is a culture by many. Items and events can also be a part of culture. Another example could be going to church every Sunday can be a part of a families culture.
Now that we understand what culture is, we are going to dive into why people create cultures and the impact that they can play in a family.
I want to begin by discussing the culture that I was raised in, what impact it had on me, and where I am at now in my life. I will admit growing I was blessed! I grew up in a really good culture which I am so grateful for. Growing up however, I had the opportunity to observe very opposite cultures very closely. I had family that were very religious and I have family that is very, not religious.
Specifically in my home my parents respectfully pushed faith on me and that was our culture. Yes grades were important, and yes I was supposed to look nice, or whatever. But what was the focus was following the standards that God set for his people. I honestly can say as a teenager I did not always enjoy the faith but now I look back and I am so grateful. Now this was in my household but I have a very mixed family and others did not have this. In fact there were individuals that would not get caught doing anything towards a so called "faith".
Now to look at the comparison of what this cultures effects were from my perspective. Now I do not believe families are bad without faith. I have wonderful friends and family who do not associate with God or anything of such. I do have to say that majority of the time there is a great difference in the way families turn out in being raised with faith and with out faith. Now remember our faith is just what we are using as our focus piece of culture. The families who are associated with faith tend to be a happier people. I have a lot of family members who are miserable because they have not associated this part of a culture into their lives.
I feel strongly grateful for the culture that I was raised in. The way that I was raised has led me to spend two years of my life dedicated to serving other people. It has led me away from any type of substance abuse. I am succeeding in school even as someone is truly is not smart. The culture I grew up in has pushed me to be motivated in all aspects of life and I am succeeding.
I invite you to ponder on what the cultures are in your life. What habits, or events repeat in your life, and do they truly benefit your life? If they do not, make changes. Create a culture of safe living, righteous living, or whatever you need at this time. I promise that in the grand scheme of eternity you will be grateful that you chose to act now.
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