Families and Finances

 The Family and Its Finances

We live in a great period of time, its true. We have so many resources available to us. Things that have never been available until now. We however, all know the catch. These wonderful resources will cost you. Money has become what this world truly revolves around. Whenever you need something in life, you must have the money to be able to get that thing.

Often our purchases are larger then what we can afford. This has created loans, payment plans, and other methods that allow for things to be paid off over time. This being a huge blessing and giving us the opportunity to purchase things that would take much longer to save up for. This being a blessing can also be a burden. 

There are countless times when somebody got in their finances over their heads. This meaning that they financially get in trouble. Very often because of these payment methods not being immediate, people put too much on their plate, this putting them in a position that they cannot pay for all of their expenses.  

As an individual going into debt is stressful. Putting ones self in this position is hard to come back from. Now imagine when you face this challenge with a partner. Financial problem cause a lot of relationship problems. It creating stress, anxiety, depression, and many feelings of negativity.

Turns out that after many studies, the number two cause for divorce is financial struggles. The partners are often not in agreement on spending, or one of the individuals secretly purchases stuff, or even the two together struggle to budget their money. This should not be the case. The number of people that go homeless while in a relationship is so incredibly low. This is a problem that shouldn't be.

A great way to prevent the struggles that follow debt is communication. In our blogs we have talked a lot about talking, do it! Another way is you need to keep track of each others purchases. I would also had another method when coming to payments that can help prevent debt. Lets say that we have two monthly payments. One is twenty dollars a month and the other is fifty dollars a month. When the time comes, you have payed off the twenty dollar a month one completely. Now you only have the fifty dollar a month payment. Instead of continuing to move forward only paying the fifty a month, add the twenty to that. You were  paying seventy dollars a month on bills and just continue to do that. This will allow for you too finish your payments fast, causing you to sooner have money, and a happier relationship with your person. I feel that another simple idea that a couple could do is just to literally look up ideas to budget.

The problem is so often the two parties with-in a relationship do not realize that there finances are the reason that they are struggling in their relationship. They are missing that understanding. They may feel that they are just always arguing with their other person, or they feel that they are always under pressure, or even that this person they are spending their life with is causing their life to be depressing. Look into the things of the world before you blame your person. You misunderstanding being fixed could save your relationship. 

I simply want to just state that I know if you can learn how to budget and include your relationship within that you will be happier. Your life will be relived of stress, and you and your person will actually grow closer in love. Please do not let the little things of this life tear down something that is good. 


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