What is Needed?
What is Needed? Today's discussion is on contact! That is physical contact. Now when first thinking about this you are probably like well two people they love each other, they are physically intimate. That is actually not always the case. In fact all people take physical affection different and interpret it in so many ways. I want to use a little example to help expand your mind before we get into this. I think back to high school and what a first kiss often meant. For the guy it was what was cool. He would go back and tell his buddies and then he was accepted by them. For the girl it often means that there are true feelings there. The boy loves me the girl thinks. We have different perspectives through the same experience. Side note this is not my experience haha. We have been all about communication throughout this blog. In every way is it helpful. Well we are not stopping with that today. We need to make sure that our physical touch is given and communicated. ...