Why? wHy? and whY?
Welcome once again to a blog by someone who is uneducated and has only but opinion on his side.
Today is a special day! Today I have you in mind. I want to focus on things that other people may have not even had cross their mind when coming into a relationship.
We have mentioned the before parts when looking into a relation ship. We also have discussed the position of people who are further down the line in their relationship. Today we will pinpoint a different area. We are going to be discussing specifically the great deal of change that an individual will undergo when being in the first month of a relationship as well as the first year. To narrow it down we will be specifically going into details of relationships that are with those who live together.
First off, you must realize that going into the depths of a relationship, marriage, is a great deal of commitment and it is not an easy process. Marriage is taxing. Marriage is exhausting. Marriage will make you beyond miserable if you are not prepared and willing to adjust.
These feelings that are negative come when one is not prepared to make the adjustments needed. What adjustments you might ask? Well let's dive into those. Remembering that the focal point will be for those who are living together, not just in a relationship.
Here we go! With-in the first month some of the adjustments you will face are that you will not have alone time very often. That is sometimes a huge adjustment and that leads to negative feelings or resentment towards the individual who took that freedom away. Another adjustment would be that everything that ever had a decision before had only had one opinion but now has two. You and your person will have to make decisions together daily. Often disagreement will come. Lastly for an example that would be a big change in the first month would be that you are now are forced to have communication. You can no longer stay in your head. You are in a position were you must talk and be open. For the fact that a relationship without this will not last.
These are not small adjustments as much as they seem to be. When these things come new to someone and they are repeated for that first month it can cause potential pain to those who do not prepare for this time.
Now viewing things in the bit longer terms but still not the eternal view. Lets look at the adjustments that relationship individuals continue to experience at the year mark. At this point there are probably many people that would assume that all is well. "If I can make a year, then I can make it for life. Well let us discuss some of the things that could change that, which we need to be aware of.
To begin we will start with the most influential in a relationship. That being time management. You now have two people who are to do most things together. Your partner must be willing to join you in activities giving up their time and you must be willing to do the same. Balance is necessary we we are talking about time. Picture this as an example. The husband loves to play video games. His wife does not really mind at first if he plays games. By the end of their first year of marriage the wife is sad and upset with the life that these video games have consumed. Every night after work the husband comes home to his video games instead of spending quality time with his wife. How lonely this time has been for the wife because the man that she married is physically present often but socially has disappeared. That is not the person that she fell in love with. Manage your time and share that with the person that you love.
We however are not limited to this single element of adjustment at the year mark. A few other examples would be things like. Household tasks and roles, the expectations of what cultures will be upheld in the household, and even if, or when, it is time for children to be come apart of the family. Including how they will be raised and with what beliefs.
Adjustments are going to be real and they are going to hit hard. Be prepared for these changes. Even discuss these things with your person before ever fully committing. Success will be yours.
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